You can perform transcendental, single-column, and multiple-row statistical functions on a selected column of data.
Note: If a column contains a formula, the column ID displays a formula indicator (a small triangle in the corner of the ID). To see a column's formula in the formula bar, double-click the column's ID.
Step 1
Choose the Transform command from the Data menu.
Step 2
For the Variable (x) option, select a single column you want to transform.
Note: You can select more than one column to transform from the Row Stats group.
Step 4
Choose a transformation group from the Operations pop-up menu.
Step 5
Select one or more functions you want to use in the currently-selected group.
You can select one or more options in the Single Column and Row Statistics groups; you can select one option only in the Transcendental and other groups.
Note: If you specify an n= value in the Other Functions category, you can enter any real number. If you select the nth difference function, you can enter positive integers only.
Step 6
To generate a formula for dynamic data in the destination column, turn on the Generate Formula check box.
Step 7
Next to Put Result In, enter the name of the destination column, then click OK.